TTM Apprenticeship Scheme

The UK’s 1st and only Apprenticeship Scheme for the Temporary Traffic Management Industry

It is recognised throughout the UK temporary traffic management industry that during the coming years the industry will likely experience a skill shortage due to a number of key factors.

One of the foremost challenges facing the industry in the near future will be ensuring that enough highly qualified and competent staff are available to carry out a seemingly ever growing workload to the required standards.

Whilst there is a very extensive range of well— developed vocational qualifications available to the industry through Lantra Awards, and City & Guilds, the industry is severely lacking in focused long term training and development programs.

The traffic management industry does not have a government backed apprenticeship scheme, and until now traineeships or similar schemes were unheard of.

Development programs such as these offer employers a far more cost effective solution for growth, with the added benefit of producing highly trained staff at their conclusion to further enhance the growth potential of the business. Without the benefit of such schemes a lot of employers are only able to provide the minimum training requirements for their needs, resulting in an industry that isn’t very well positioned for the additional demand we are likely to see placed on it over the coming years.

In the absence of such schemes, The Adjuvo Group have developed and currently operate the UKs only apprenticeship scheme for the TM industry that promises to make some headway into providing the industry with a long term focused training and development solution. There are three separate pathway options within the scheme,- one for operatives working on urban and rural roads, one for those working on high speed motorways and dual carriageways, and a combined option covering all road types.

Click the tabs below for information on available schemes.